Instant Migraine Relief

Instant Migraine Relief by Home Remedies

Migraine Pain

Migraine is a Headache Disease that occurs in mostly half of the head. This disease is also known as half CC pain. Migraine Pain is not a common headache, this pain is very intense in any one part of the head. Migraine is so painful that the patient neither sleep nor sit comfortably when vomiting also starts after the headache, then it becomes even more terrible. Everyone wants instant relief from Migraine.

Migraine pain can last from few hours to a maximum of three days. One should never be careless in the treatment of half CC pain. Because this disease can also cause disease like paralyses and brain hemorrhage. In this disease the artery below the head starts to enlarge and the part of headache also gets swollen.

The problem of migraine is more in women then in men.

Instant Migraine Relief at Home

Causes of Migraine Pain

The exact causes of Migraine have not been found till now, but identifying the attacks of Headache the occurrence of this problem can be reduced. Some common Causes are: –

  • High Blood pressure,
  • Too much stress,
  • Lack of sleep,
  • Excessive consumption of Pain Killer,
  • Change in weather also some times causes Migraine.

Symptoms of Migraine Pain

Some of the Vital Symptoms of Migraine Pain are

  • Blurred vision or Pain in the eyes,
  • Severe pain in half head,
  • Feeling nervous due to loud noises,
  • Excessive or light vomiting,
  • Lack of interest in any work,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Excessive sweating and feeling weak.

If you notice any of these symptoms along with half headache you must get checked by a doctor.

Instant Migraine Relief

Instant Migraine Relief by Home Remedies            

When the Headache becomes so severe that no medicine gives relief then Migraine pain can be relieved by using home remedies: –

  • Put 2 drops of Desi Cow Ghee in the Nose Twice a Day, this gives Instant Migraine Relief.
  • Eat an Apple on an empty stomach every morning, this remedy is very effective in getting rid of Migraine.
  • Grind lemon peels and make a paste and apply it on the Forehead. This remedy also gives quick relief from the problem of Headache by half a CC.
  • Drink more water in Migraine
  • Drinking Spinach and Carrot Juice is very beneficial in the treatment of Migraine. Mix one glass of Spinach Juice in one glass of Carrot Juice and drink it.
  • Too much stress can cause migraine, so never take too much tension.
  • Try to relive your self by doing Pranayama and Yoga like, Anulom Vilom and Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Whenever you have Migraine Attack lie down on the bed in a empty dark room and try to sleep.

Prevention from Migraine

A Person Suffering from Migraine can get an attack any time, so it is important to take measures to avoid Migraine: –

  • Avoid going out in bright sunlight
  • Avoid using strong scent and perfume
  • Sleep more than required or less sleep can also increase migraine.
  • A migraine patient should not stay hungry for a long time
  • Keep water in a Copper Vessels at night and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Do not sit too close to watch TV or use a computer for a long time and do not work from Mobile phone for a long time.

There are many medicines available in the market to cure Migraine but these medicines can have side effects. So do not take any medicine without consulting a doctor. However for Instant Migraine Relief always rely upon the Home Remedies.


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