Rats & Lizards

Easy Way to Eliminate Rats & Lizards at Home in 2024

Let’s explore home remedies to eliminate rats & lizards forever from your homes: –

Eliminate Rats from Home Forever

If even one rat enters the house, life becomes difficult. After rats’ cause trouble, we often store medicines to kill them in the house, which results in even more dirt and stench. Instead of doing that now, try some different and easy tricks.

  • Alum (Fitkari) is a known enemy of rats. Rats do not like its taste at all. Mix alum powder with water and spray it on the mice hideout. This will make them leave that place forever.

Rats & Lizards

  • Rats do not find the smell of camphor (Karpoor) pleasing at all, which makes them breathless. If you want to drive away mice from the house, then place pieces of camphor in every corner of the house. This action will automatically make the mice leave the house. Even this is helpful to get rid from both rats & lizards.

Rats & Lizards

  • Peppermint oil has a very strong smell that can make rats run away. Additionally, because of the scent of peppermint, rats do not even move around. So, apply peppermint oil to cotton and place it in areas where rats frequently roam. Continue this process for a few days in a row. The mice will stop entering the house on their own.

Bed Bugs

  • Onions can help to get rid of mice. Mice don’t like the onion smell. You can use onions to make the mice leave your house without harming them. Just cut 7-8 onion pieces. Place them in different parts of your house. When the mice smell the onions, they will leave your house.

Rats & Lizards

Eliminate Lizards from Home forever

Lizards can be found in homes – in living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. There are toxic liquids in the market that can keep lizards away. But these liquids can also harm children or pets. Instead, it’s better to use a home remedy to get rid of lizards.

  • Peacock feathers can confuse lizards. Lizards think a snake is nearby when they see a peacock feather. So, they run away. You can put peacock feathers in a bouquet or around your home. This will drive the lizards away. If you see a lizard near a light, window, or skylight, you can place a small peacock feather or stick it with tape where the lizard enters. The feather will make the lizard think a snake is there, so it will leave.

Rats & Lizards

  • Mix vinegar and pepper powder to make a pesticide. Sprinkle it on your kitchen, rooms, and bathrooms. This makes lizards run away. They don’t like the strong smell of pepper and vinegar.


  • Mix a few drops of garlic juice and onion juice in a bottle. Add a little water. Close the bottle and shake it. Spray this juice where you think lizards come the most. The lizard will go away from your house on its own after you spray it.

Bed Bugs

  • Naphthalene tablets are good insecticides. People put them in wardrobes and wash boxes. Wherever you place them, there will be no lizards. Lizards run away from the smell of naphthalene tablets. This happens because lizards usually avoid places without pests. If there is a naphthalene smell, pests will not come there. Naphthalene tablets are  helpful for both lizards & rats as well.

Rats & Lizards

Eliminate Bed bugs forever at home

Bed bugs often hide in the cracks of wooden beds and chairs and tables in the house. The biggest problem with bed bugs is that they never come out during the day. When we sleep with the lights off at night, they come out of their secret places and bite us while sleeping. Bed bugs have such senses that they detect your body heat and easily find you even in the dark.

There is always a risk of itching, red rash, blisters or infection in the place where it bites. Bed bugs survive by drinking our blood. Some home remedies, with the help of which you can get rid of it immediately: –

  • To get rid of bed bugs, you’ll need half a cup of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. First, mix the baking soda and vinegar to make a solution. Next, spray this mixture on the areas in the bed where bed bugs are present. After 10 minutes, you’ll see that the bed bugs have died due to the vinegar and baking soda mixture.

Bed Bugs

  • Neem oil is an important medicinal oil. It has been used in our culture for a long time. This oil is also used to kill insects. Bed bugs can be killed easily with this oil. Just apply the oil to the bed bug area, and soon all the bed bugs will die.

Rats & Lizards

  • Eucalyptus has not only medicinal properties but is also effective in killing bed bugs. To eliminate these pests, you can simply sprinkle a few drops of eucalyptus oil directly on the bed bugs. Alternatively, you can create a spray by mixing eucalyptus oil with rosemary and lavender, which will help you get rid of bed bugs permanently.

Bed Bugs

These are the easiest ways to get rid of rats & lizards as well as bed bugs from home forever.

For more to get rid of rats & lizards here are more google searches click here

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