High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure Cure Naturally in 2024

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension, also known as hypertension, is a serious disease that increases diseases related to the heart, brain, kidneys and other organs and causes their birth.

In today’s busy lifestyle, we often neglect to take proper care of ourselves. We constantly experience stress and feel pressured to perform better than others. This leads us to develop lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure. High BP occurs when the blood pressure in the arteries exceeds the normal rate, triggering alarm bells for our health. This condition increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

High Blood Pressure in India

Talking only about the figures of India, every year high blood pressure (hypertension) affects India. More than 10 million new patients of high blood pressure arrive. If we look at the world, more than 46% of people do not realize they are living with high blood pressure, and most of these people experience untimely deaths.

According to a WHO report, over 128 million people worldwide aged 30 to 79 years live with high blood pressure. High blood pressure significantly contributes to the increase in mortality rates before age.

What problems can be caused by high blood pressure or high blood pressure?

High blood pressure works to promote many other diseases and it causes some diseases on its own, those diseases are as follows: –

  • Heart attack
  • Kidney failure
  • Stroke in the brain
  • Malfunctions in veins and blood vessels
  • Heartbeat stops
  • Heart blockage

What not to do when you have high blood pressure?


A person suffering from high blood pressure should follow the instructions mentioned below and try to avoid serious illness like high blood pressure-

  • Salt should be avoided
  • Eating fried food should be avoided
  • Daily exercise and physical activity should be maintained
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption should be stopped
  • Weight should be kept normal
  • Food should be eaten at a fixed time daily
  • Plenty of water should be drunk daily
To cure high blood pressure disease, there are some Ayurvedic medicines available at home that you can take.

Cure High BP


High BP patients face a high risk of heart disease. Actually, high BP affects blood vessels and exerts pressure on the heart. In such situations, you should consume foods that help expand the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. So, you should consume foods that relax the nerves and enhance their functioning. One such herb is cinnamon, which also benefits high BP patients.

For people whose BP is high, researchers found that cinnamon effectively reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Actually, cinnamon contains a compound called Cinnamomum zeylanicum that works effectively for people with high BP. This compound enlarges the walls of blood vessels and relaxes blood circulation. It also helps melt cholesterol deposited in blood vessels, thus aiding in reducing the problem of high BP.

Dal Chini

In high BP, you can consume cinnamon in many ways. But, the most effective method is to make its tea. Yes, to make this tea, grind cinnamon, boil it in water, and then filter it into a cup. Now add honey to this tea and consume it on an empty stomach in the morning. Drinking it helps control high BP and reduces it.

Bottle gourd juice

People know gourd (lauki) as bottle gourd to control blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve heart health. Its alkaline nature helps balance the pH level of the body. Gourd extract significantly reduces lipid levels and helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Regular intake helps reduce oxidative stress and heart-related risk. It also reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Drink a cup of gourd juice daily in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast.

High Blood Pressure


First, cut a bottle gourd into small pieces. Now put five coriander leaves, five mint leaves, five basil leaves, and gourd pieces in the blender and crush them well, then extract the juice, and drink it daily in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast. You can add some lemon juice for a little taste before drinking it. It will cure your BP very well and will organize the heart a lot, keeping cholesterol fine.

Fenugreek seeds

Many people consider fenugreek effective for many health benefits. Fenugreek possesses many properties that can control high BP. Apart from carotene, copper, zinc, sodium, folic acid, and magnesium, researchers find many other elements in fenugreek. These elements in fenugreek seeds can effectively control high BP. Many consider the consumption of fenugreek seeds effective in controlling high BP.

High Blood Pressure

Soak half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass of hot water overnight. In the morning, drink the water and chew the fenugreek seeds before swallowing them. This method will quickly reduce your high BP, making it completely natural in one and a half to two months.

Arjuna Bark

The Arjuna tree, along with its leaves and bark, plays a significant role in Ayurveda. The Arjuna tree boasts numerous medicinal properties. Consuming Arjun bark can help prevent serious issues like heart disease and stroke. Drinking a decoction of Arjuna bark can significantly reduce the risk of heart diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, cholesterol issues, high blood pressure, and heart failure.

Arjun Ki Chaal

You can add the powder made from Arjuna bark to your morning tea. The decoction of Arjuna bark helps thin the blood in your body, preventing blockage problems in blood vessels and arteries. This tea or decoction also benefits those who have high cholesterol levels or heart disease.

It cures high BP, cholesterol, and triglycerides, reduces obesity, and removes any blockage in the arteries of the heart. Doctors often advise that if your heart is weak, you should take the bark of Arjuna every day to strengthen your heart.

High Blood Pressure

To make a decoction of Arjuna bark, boil 100 grams of Arjuna bark in 500 ml of water until only 200 ml remains. After cooling it down, filter the mixture, keep the liquid, and drink it like tea. Take 10 ml of the decoction each morning and evening regularly.

When to go to the doctor? 

Normal blood pressure measures 120/80. When blood pressure drops below or rises above normal levels, either condition can be fatal. If a patient’s blood pressure exceeds 140/90, medical professionals diagnose that condition as hypertension. Even after attempting home remedies to lower blood pressure, if the patient experiences chest pain and heaviness as symptoms of high blood pressure, along with difficulty breathing, it is crucial to act. If the patient suffers from a headache, weakness, or blurred vision, they should visit the doctor as soon as possible.

High Blood Pressure

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