
Eliminate Obesity for Good in 2024

Now a days obesity has become a big problem all over the world. In India also many people are victims of Obesity and facing many problems. Due to this, many types of diseases take birth in the body simultaneously.

Follow This Ayurvedic Formula (Home Remedy)

Obesity is also called a “Lifestyle Disease” which means it is caused by your bad lifestyle. Your Lifestyle plays a very big role in getting rid of it.

Try this Ayurvedic Home remedy and see the dramatic changes on your body and get rid of obesity forever.

  • We have to drink water after one hour of eating, remember that you have to drink water only and only after one hours. At the same time, how to drink water is very important.

How do you normally drink water now?

You put a glass full of water in your mouth and drink it in one go, the glass is finished in one go. Some people open their mouth and pour water from the top and keep on gulping water continuously. Both these methods are very wrong.


If you are continuously drinking water then you are bound to get 3 diseases in your body 1st Appendicitis, 2nd Hernia (Prolapse of Intestines) and 3rd is Hydrocele.

Hernia mostly occurs in those people who drink water in gulps at one go and hydrocele occurs after a certain age, especially in men. Hernia can occur in female but hydrocele is a disease of men. These three diseases definitely occur in those people who gulp down a whole jug or glass of water at one go. It means that drinking water in gulps is not good. So, you much be wondering how to drink water.

Therefore, we will tell you the method told by Late Ayurveda Legendary Rajiv Dixit Ji, that is the best rule of drinking water.

Correct way of drinking water

The correct way of drinking water in Ayurveda is the same as we drink Tea, Coffee and hot Milk, drink it sip by sip take one sip, then after a while take 2nd then after a while take 3rd sip and so on.


Ayurveda guarantees that those whoever drinks water in sips in life he will never become OBESE in life. That person weight will never increase.

If you drink water in sips, the weight will remain the same throughout life as much as your weight should be.

Weight Reduce

Now, a question will come in your mind that what if the weight reduces a lot by drinking water like this?

Do not worry about it at all, the wight will reduce only to the extent it has increased it will become stable after reduction.

Drink water in Sips

You should always drink water in Sips and the 2nd benefit you will see from tomorrow itself, if you make a habit of drinking water in sips, the pain in your knee will reduce by 20% by drinking water for 7 days continuously.

Get rid of Heel Pain & Joint Pain

Similarly, if you have heel pain or joint pain 100% in few days. The joint pain that you have will reduce by 25 to 30% in 7 days and those who get headache or dizziness as soon as they wake up in the morning, all these 3 will disappear in a week.

The 1st Principle is not to drink water after eating food, drink it after one hour and if you want to drink something then drink juice in the morning, lassi or buttermilk in the afternoon and drink milk at night.  And the 2nd Principle is that you should always drink water in small sips.

Sip Water & Reduce Weight

Therefore, if your weight has increased, then you should not worry at all. Just sip water and in six to seven months you will loose 10 kg of weight. This obesity has come gradually, it has not come all at once. That is why it will reduce gradually. This is the law of nature.

Like to know more watch this video: –


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