Weight Lose Herbal Tea

Weight Lose Herbal Tea: Effective Top 10

Top 10 Weight Lose Herbal Tea

Obesity remains a serious problem in today’s time. Obesity raises the risk of serious diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. In this situation, people make many lifestyle changes to control or reduce their weight and take special care of their food and drink along. People often include herbal tea in their diet to lose weight. A variety of herbs and seeds make weight loss herbal tea, which reduces excess fat from your body.

If you are troubled by belly fat or increasing weight, then include some herbal tea in your diet that accelerate the process of fat burning.

Over here we would be talking about 10 Herbal Tea help you lose weight quickly: –

1. Cumin Herbal Tea:

Cumin seed helps in weight lose because this is low in calories. Cumin promotes digestive enzymes, boosts metabolism, and helps burn calories, which aids in better digestion.

Cumin tea not only calms your tea cravings but also benefits health. This is because cumin has many medicinal properties such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-inflammatory.

Jira Cumin Tea

How to make – Put cumin seeds in hot water and boil it. Now add honey or lemon juice and drink it.

2. Lemon Tea:

Lemon has a lot of vitamin C which helps keep the immune system strong. Lemon acts as a natural antiseptic. Lemon tea has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.

Lemon herbal tea is known for its ability to eliminate toxins from the body. In addition to its detoxifying properties, consuming lemon tea can also aid in weight reduction. Therefore, if you are struggling with obesity, incorporating lemon weight lose herbal tea into your routine can be highly beneficial.

Lemon Tea

How to make – Boil tea leaves, lemon juice and cinnamon in water. Now filter the tea and serve.

3. Black Pepper Tea: 

Black pepper has medicinal properties and helps in weight loss. It contains Piperine which is beneficial in burning fat. Many People also use it to prepare black pepper essential oil, which is very beneficial for people suffering from arthritis.

Black Pepper Tea

How to make – Boil black pepper, ginger in hot water for five minutes. Now filter it. Add honey or lemon juice to it and serve. 

4. Cinnamon Herbal Tea 

Cinnamon provides many essential nutrients and its polyphenols burn calories, aiding in weight reduction. This tea is considered one of the best weight lose herbal teas. Cinnamon Herbal tea consumption reduces the risk of many serious diseases and keeps them at bay.

Weigh Lose Herbal Tea

Preparation: –

To make this drink, start by boiling a cup of water. Once the water is boiling, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Allow the water to cool slightly until it is drinkable. Then, mix in 1 teaspoon of honey and enjoy your drink.

5. Mint Weight Lose Herbal Tea:

Increasing weight or body fat indicates that your metabolism is not functioning correctly. Therefore, you can lose weight by increasing your metabolism. Furthermore, some drinks naturally help increase metabolism, such as Mint (Pudina) tea, which contains methyl that benefits in reducing fat cells.

Mint Tea

Preparation: –

Take water in a vessel and keep it to boil. Then add some leaves of grated ginger and mint to it and let it boil for a while. After boiling for 5 minutes, filter it and drink tea. 

6. Ajwain Caraway Herbal Tea: 

Ajwain has rich medicinal properties. Most people use Ajwain as a spice. The taste of Ajwain Caraway is slightly bitter, so people do not like it. But Ajwain is a panacea for many stomach diseases. Consuming it provides relief in stomach pain, gas, vomiting, sour belching, and acidity. It contains riboflavin which effectively burns fat.

Ajwain Tea

Preparation: –

Put 1.5 cups of water in a vessel and keep it on the gas.  Next, mix half a teaspoon of Ajwain in the hot water. As soon as this water boils, its color will start changing. Once 1 cup of this water remains, filter it and fill it in a cup. After that, when it is hot enough to drink, add the juice of one lemon and honey according to taste and consume it.

7. Black Tea: 

Black tea provides many benefits. It also refreshes you by relieving brain tension. It energizes the body and mind.

Additionally, black tea aids in weight loss. The polyphenols and antioxidants in tea effectively eliminate excess fat from the body. Its flavonoids prevent the formation of bad cholesterol from forming.

Black Herbal Tea

How to make – Boil water and add tea leaves to it. Boil it for a while, filter it and serve. 

8. Ginger Tea: 

Gingerol is contained in ginger, it burns calories faster and reduces frequent hunger. It has anti-inflammatory properties which are beneficial in weight lose.

Ginger Tea

How to make – Put 2 cups of water in a pan and bring it to a boil. Add the grated ginger and basil leaves to the boiling water. Reduce heat to low until it boils. When the water remains half, turn off the gas. After this, you filter the tea. If you do not like its taste, then you can add honey to it. 

9. Green Tea: 

In addition to its weight loss benefits, green tea is also known for its ability to boost metabolism, making it easier for the body to burn calories efficiently. Furthermore, the low calorie content in green tea makes it a great alternative to sugary beverages, helping to reduce overall calorie intake. Overall, incorporating green tea into a balanced diet and exercise routine can be a valuable tool in achieving weight loss goals.

Green Tea


To make green tea, start by boiling slightly less water than usual. Then, add approximately 2 tablespoons of green tea leaves to the water and let them steep for 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes are up, make sure to drain the tea well. If you’re using a tea bag, be sure to squeeze it well after the 5 minutes. Next, you can enhance the flavor of the tea by adding lemon juice or honey. Mix everything together thoroughly before consuming.

10. Basil Herbal Tea: 

In a recent study, 250 grams of basil leaf juice daily to a group of obese people. After 2 weeks, researchers checked their lipid levels and BMI, and they showed significant improvement.

This demonstrates the effectiveness of basil in controlling weight, as it contains phytonutrients that help eliminate fat cells. Hence, the basil herbal tea helps in reducing weight, significantly.

Tulsi Basil Tea

How to make – Boil tea leaves, dush, ginger piece and basil leaves in hot water. Filter it and drink it. 

In addition to switching from milk tea to weight lose herbal tea, there are numerous options available to suit your taste preferences. For those looking to reduce belly fat, it is recommended to avoid adding sugar to your tea. Instead, consider using a small amount of honey as a healthier alternative. By making these simple changes, you can see positive results in your weight loss journey.

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